
VUSC’s Juniors Program is tailored towards players who want more structured training and game play between the ages U6 – U12 of any skill level and love the sport of soccer. Players in VUSC’s Juniors Program are trained and coached by licensed, professional coaches with several years of coaching experience. Our Juniors Program supplements our Recreational program which only competes in the fall. It provides a more structured and skill-based environment that fosters both fun and competitiveness.


The Juniors Program is a unique concept where we use player pools versus the team structure system. With our Juniors Players Pool we have the flexibility to move players using bio banning, which has been proven to help encourage development in a fun and competitive environment.

Bio banning is a method used by top clubs around the world which places players based on physical maturity, skill, and / or level versus their biological age or birth year.

This “player pool” concept helps encourage players to be creative, allows players a safe environment to try new concepts or moves where making mistakes is okay, and allows players to express themselves positively out on the soccer field. Players can expect to learn new moves, they will be in small group game play where they are constantly moving and where they’ll be able to practice their skills in game like organizations.


4-month commitment


Training sessions weekly Tuesday & Thursday 4-5PM


$100 per month subscription*

*Payment will auto-renew monthly, cancel anytime by emailing treasurer.vusc@gmail.com

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