What is Super Rec?

Super Rec is rec soccer for players U14 or older.

Super Rec may have HOME and AWAY games, where they travel to surrounding towns and play other rec teams.

Home games are at Horse Creek Soccer Complex.

Away games are in neighboring towns and cities.

Practice; Days, Times, Locations?

Practice will be twice a week. 60-90 minutes depending on your age group.

The specific days and times are determined by your team's head coach.

All practices for U12 and younger ages are at Vacaville Public Parks. The specific park your team would practice at is chosen by your head coach.

All practices for Super Rec are at Horse Creek Soccer Complex.

When will we know what team we are on?

You will be assigned to a team in mid-July.

When do practices start?

Practices can start as early as August 1st, however, the main commitment is making practices starting two weeks prior to your first game.

This is scheduled by your coach. You will be assigned to a team in mid-July and at that point you will know who your coach is etc.

Games; Days, Times, Locations?

Games are on Saturdays.

Games kickoff as early as 8am and may kickoff at late as 2pm.

All non-Super Rec games are played at Horse Creek.

Super rec will have some home games (at Horse Creek) and some away games at locations such as Fairfield or Benicia.

How long is the season?

10 weeks of games.

Super Rec's first game is the last Saturday of August.

All other rec soccer first game is the first Saturday after Labor Day in September.

The season ends mid November.

Do you have a summer or spring season?

No. Rec soccer is a fall season.

Make up games?

Fields are rarely closed, but may be. If this is the case due to weather or unforeseen circumstances outside of our control, we do not offer make up games.

What is the youngest age allowed to sign up?

The youngest ages we would accept would be 4.5 years old by August -- and this is entirely up to you as a parent or what you think your child could handle.

What if we have a schedule conflict?

Any scheduling conflicts would be communicated with and discussed with your coach.

For example: If you are going to need to practice on certain days to make soccer work, you will not know your practice schedule until late July... at that point you will discuss this with your coach. DO NOT CONTACT US ABOUT THIS. DISCUSS WITH YOUR COACH and they will talk with our rec director as needed.

If the team you are on doesn't work out, we may be able to offer you a spot on another team with a different weekly practice schedule: However THIS IS NOT GUARANTEED -- and the spot you leave behind will be given to a player on our wait list.

If you play many sports and have a very busy and inflexible schedule you may not want to sign up for rec soccer.

Can an older player play with younger players?

No. Younger players may request to play in an older division, but older players may not play down in age.


All players must be registered in PlayMetrics. All families should download the PlayMetrics app (free on the app store). This is where you can communicate with your team, find your practice and game schedule and stay organized during your season.

For all help with using the PlayMetrics app go to the PlayMetrics Help Center.


This will answer almost any question you could have. If not PlayMetrics offers all families user customer service where you can request help from a support team member.


Coach and Buddy Requests?

You may make 1 reciprocal buddy request. Coaches may not be requested. *buddy request not guaranteed, every effort will be made to fulfill request.

Can I change my registration or edit it later?

You may edit your registration anytime - even after you have submitted it. It is stored in your PlayMetrics account.

Simply go to your registration, click view my responses, and then click edit responses. Remember to save your new updated responses when you are done.

If you need further help - see info above about the PlayMetrics Help Center and Support.

When does registration close?


If you register before June 30th you will be guaranteed a spot on a team.

Wait List: Any registration after June 30, 2025 would be placed on a wait list; with no guarantee that you will be placed on a team and included an additional fee.

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